Credit Recovery Educational Program


Students may fail a class for various reasons, resulting in them falling behind. Among the reasons that keep students from graduating are excessive absences, inability to keep up with their classmates, problems at home, and learning disabilities. By enrolling in Credit Recovery Courses, students can improve their credit rating even while studying at another school.

Credit Recovery programs include a variety of strategies that can be tailored to the needs of each student. Since no two students can learn the same way, they tailor course materials to maximize learning and retention. Summer school programs are the most common method for delivering Credit Recovery Programs. Students used to take Credit Recovery courses during regular school hours, after school, during vacation breaks, and even over the summer break.

With the Bahamas Virtual School Credit Recovery program, students now have more options to improve their credit scores. Our online learning platforms help our students work with various learning styles, creativity, and communication skills.

A Curriculum Designed To Include All Learning Styles.

This approach allows the student to move as fast as they want or as slow as they want to grasp the information presented.

They learn Their Way!

Credit Recovery Programs Benefits

As a result of today’s level of competition in the job market and globalization, a high school diploma is no longer sufficient. It is, however, the first step in laying a strong, secure foundation for our children. Graduating high school is a must for those hoping to go to college or even obtain a well-paying job.

Students should know how important it is to graduate from high school. As teachers and parents, it is our responsibility to understand how important a high school diploma can be.

Benefits associated with the Bahamas Virtual School Credit Recovery programs –

  • flexibility
  • Tailored course content
  • Increased retention
  • More effortless synchronization of time schedules
  • No location constraints 
  • A personalized pace that allows you to work your way.
  • Payment options that make credit recovery a reasonable solution.

Nassau, New Providence & The Family Islands


Students can speak to their teachers for assistance


Each student will have a school counselor assigned

Online High School Credit Recovery Programs and Courses
Complete your high school education on your terms in an accredited program on the Bahamas Virtual School platform. Study online at your own pace, guided by certified teachers.
Contact Info
The BVS aims to provide an educational system that is technologically sound and competitive.
  • #2 Pineapple Business Park, Airport, Industrial Park, Nassau, NP Bahamas
  • +1 (242) 818-1418